A couple of weeks ago I announced that I’m attending the new Mumsnet Blogfest conference, as a wordpress expert. I promised a linky, which I did put up, but no one joined.
As I’m sure this was just an oversight, I’m having another go.
It’s my experience of conferences (two cybermummys, a cybher and a blogcamp) that it’s really quite difficult to tie together names, face, blogs and twitter accounts. A way to make this a little bit easier if you’ve got a plan of who is going beforehand and a mental image of them. You can do something towards this by posting a meet and greet post on your blog, and linking it up below.
Some suggestions for your post – a picture:
It’s possible my hair will be a little neater. It’s also possible it won’t be. I will be carrying/wearing/otherwise accompanied by this:
which may make me easier to spot 😉
I will also have a netbook or tablet with me. (As I haven’t bought a tablet yet, it will probably be a netbook, but I live in hope. If there are any lovely technology companies out there that would like me to review a tablet at a conference, please do let me know!) I’m part of the blog clinic, as an expert in wordpress. If you’ve a particular question you’d like answered on it, or would like me to look at your blog prior to attending, please drop me a link and a comment below 🙂
The rest of it? I’m not very tall, about 5’4″. The baby is even smaller 😉 I’m absolutely hopeless at names, but I’m likely to remember your twitter id. Mine is @liveotherwise in case you are wondering. I will be wearing clothes – may disclose what nearer the time if I plan ahead, and do my best to be friendly/ approachable.
In previous years I’ve suggested use of a blogger bingo card as I *always* manage to make it to the end of the day and miss someone. This time I may print my own out. Let me know if you should be on it, or my twitter list.
Join the linky!
allotmentmum says
probably won’t be wearing wellies, but will have a large bump. I’ll be the one nipping to the loo after every session.
Jax says
You’d stand out in wellies at least 😉 If I see you rushing past I’ll wave!
sarah lowden poole says
Total Techno Fail – couldn’t load proper picture so have a scribble of my inner self from a blog about being a rubbish toothfairy – what a way to get a reputation as a very serious blogger of great seriousness. Sorry for hopelessness – see you there.
Jax says
You’re going to be a bit difficult to recognise…
Sarah says
It is my first blogging conference – so it is all new to me. Great linky to minimise the newby nerves. looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!