Affiliate links and disclosure policy.

This blog isn’t about making money. It’s about my life, my family, our education. I do link to a lot of places though, and some of those links are affiliate links, meaning if you order a product through it, I get a cut.

This is not a bad thing 🙂

So I thought I’d gather my links together in one place (this makes life easier for me to find them for use as well!) If you feel like shopping at any of these places (many of them are places I shop too), please do.

You’ve probably already seen my amazon store, if not, do feel free to peruse.

Liveotherwise is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Reading Eggs is a program that I’m using with Smallest. She likes it a lot. She plays on it two or three times a week, and she’s learning to read without any pain at all. Obviously I’m also reading with her and to her, and doing crafts and so on, but this is the nearest thing to an educational resource she’s got.

Wholesale chess is an online store that I’m exploring at the moment, I’ve not used them yet. Do let me know if you do 🙂

Curious Minds is a nice shop, full of fun toys. Think my christmas wish list might be from there this year 😀

Since I originally wrote this page, I have started to carry review and competition posts. Where I’ve received items free for review this will be stated in the post. I also carry sponsored posts, which will be clearly identified and occasional paid text links.