The Last Piece Of Chocolate Cake Scenario




There it is, on the table, it is a chocolate cake, a good chocolate cake.

There is only one piece left. You want it.

I reckon there are four types of people.


You want that last piece. The challenge is to persuade everyone else to let you have it. If the room is empty for a moment, you eat it, you have plausible deniability … you can pretend that it wasn’t you, and blame someone else. Otherwise, you have to be more subtle…. a wistful “does anybody else want..” or a confident “Well if nobody else wants…” both often work.


You see the last piece, it looks good. No-one else is picking it up, so you take it. It never occurs to you that someone else might have wanted it. Why didn’t they say before?


It is your piece. You are entitled. Nobody knows how important that last piece of cake is to you. No-one understands what you have been through nor how much you need that last piece of cake. If anyone else wants your cake, they are clearly a bad person, greedy, unscrupulous and selfish (see above). After all it is your cake.

Four types? If you don’t fit one of the above? … Darwin is not on your side.


9 responses to “The Last Piece Of Chocolate Cake Scenario”

  1. Phew! I don’t like that sort of chocolate cake. I must be OK then.
    .-= Lins´s last blog ..inventions =-.

  2. Michelle avatar

    Lins – the scenario states that you do want the cake.
    Self-centred here. Would hate to see a good piece of cake go to waste.

  3. Michelle avatar

    Actually no, if a smallish gathering I would ask the table/room if anyone wants the last piece of cake. If someone says yes I would suggest it was halved.
    Am I allowed to change my answer?

  4. Too late. You already scarfed it down. No point feeling guilty now, move on. Find more cake.

  5. You’ve only listed 3 – is the forth dieting, or allergic to chocolate or have they scoffed the rest of the cake??

  6. Like I said, if you ain’t on the list, Darwin is against you … whatever your excuse.

  7. me and Darwin never saw eye to eye anyway… Me? I’d have already eaten enough cake by that point cos, having been in the kitchen baking it in the first place, I’d have done an extra one for me ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Tbird, that is so rightthinking.
    You make a cake for everyone else to share.
    They think that you are a warm, wonderful and generous person.
    Little do they know, you have already eaten two cakes, all they are getting is your left overs. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. You’ve left out the socially-conscious selfish, long- and short-term selfishness, that is, “Who would like to share this last piece of cake with me?”
    .-= Ailbhe´s last blog ..Actual- Like- Home-Edding =-.