


Brit. /{smm}{revc}{lm}r{shti}{schwa}n{sm}t{shti}{schwa}r{shti}{ng}/,




U.S. /{smm}{revc}r{shti}{schwa}n{sm}t{shti}r{shti}{ng}

    1. The action of determining one’s position

correctly. Also in extended use.

(……in this case the picture of Clifton Beck was taken at SE 148 234)

I have had Big at home with me today. This morning she wanted to learn to read maps. I downloaded an extract of the Explorer Map from OS Get A Map along with a copy of the legend and worked through it with her.

Then we had a lunch and a trip to the library to register for Calderdale library services. Which means I know have access to the Oxford Reference Collection, The OED and the Encyclopaedia Britannica online. Nice to know where one’s council tax is going.

When we got back Big wanted to practice her new map reading skills, so we went out with a map and compass and walked to the park (not that we need a map for that), although this time, we were able to determine our position exactly at all times while we were there, hence the title.