Was to keep track of our home ed days and chat over the garden fence (virtually speaking) with other home educators. Most of those people have moved on, in that their children are more of an age with my teens and I’ve let the home ed aspect lapse.
Today one of those teens used the archive to work out something about his life he wanted to know, and brought home to me that I’m doing the younger children a disservice in not keeping a note of some aspects of their lives. But the internet has changed, as things do, so it needs to take a different form.
So, noted, this week Smallest (who is not the smallest but I thought she would be) has sat started reading the Lady Grace mysteries, thus continuing the tradition of Tudor interest that so many of the original muddlepuddle children passed through. We also had a long and involved conversation about whether you can be a vegetarian in Minecraft, which spun off in all sorts of directions, about vegetarianism, and veganism, and game playing, and use of animal products and so on and so forth. (I love this kind of conversation, it’s what so much of our home education is built upon.)
Tigerboy is reading Dr Seuss, I’m not quite sure why. He can read well, but he’s not very interested in things without pictures. Which is fair enough.
Small went to computer club today where they were taking part in Ludum Dare. No, I don’t know what that is either, I’ll ask him to contribute and add it in.
Big was at work. As was I. She’s a lifeguard, I manage a charity bookshop part time. Which is kind of wonderful and awful all at once. All the books. And they’re not mine ?.
So that was Saturday, not in snippet form, but recorded for posterity. Oh, and my current read which should be recorded on my bookstagram account Liveotherwisebookclub and hasn’t been yet, is the Ambassador’s apprentice, by Trudi Canavan. Will add all books mentioned to an amazon widget when next on a desktop.
How was your day?
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