Of our 100 Book Challenge.
This is one of a bundle of mini-treasures picked up for 25p at our local Red Cross shop and given to smallest for Christmas. She loves books, and of the pile she received from us this appears to be her current favourite. Not that surprising given she also loves cats. It has great cat pics on every page, and only a sentence or so, so is quick to read – good for the short attention span of a 13 month old.
Even though I’ve had to read it quite a few times to her, I don’t particularly mind – we look at the pictures and she signs when we get to the bird, and if I’m really lucky, I actually get to finish it. The mini treasure format is good for her in too in that the books are the right size for her to handle and appear to read herself. She sits and turns the pages and mumbles to herself, it’s very cute.
Only 99 books and 31 days to go…
The boring small print…If you don’t want to miss out on any of the news on the challenge, please sign up to my rss feed – there’s an email link over in the side, or you can sub with a reader. I’m also on twitterusing the hashtag #100books and facebook.
If you want to donate, please feel free, there’s a link in the sidebar or you can use this one. If you’d like to join in with your own version of the challenge, please leave me a comment to let me know so that I can link to you. And also, the booklink above is an affiliate link, but it’s set up with its own tracking id, so anything bought via a 100 book challenge link is separate to those usually on my blog, and I’ll be donating that money through to Oxfam as well.