when it comes to charity.
I will tweet at publicists, publishers and bookstores. I will email publishing companies, write guest posts for blogs and ask for stuff in comments on yet more blogs. And I was brought up to believe it’s rude to say I want 😉
I don’t really know what’s come over me. Except that I set up this personal challenge to fundraise for a library, and then I realised that I didn’t know how I was going to go about that.
It’s a lot of money, £429. Not an amount I have kicking around to give of my own accord. All I do have is my time, my energy and my online presence. And I wondered what I can achieve with that, and the only way to find out is to try.
So I’ve set up the 100 book challenge as a starting place, and when I started tweeting it I was amazed that ppl instantly said yes, I’ll send you stuff. I’ve got several promises of books on the way or to be sorted out after Christmas. I have a list of supporters to put together on blog to link to – and ppl I can’t link to as they are donating anonymously.
I’ve also had ppl who can’t send money or books, as they have neither to spare, but still want to help. Some are suggesting books I can read. Others are asking if they can do a challenge themselves. Ppl are going to blog about this, ppl are already tweeting or retweeting my tweets and posts. This is going to be a group effort it seems – and that’s even more impressive. Thank you all for your time so far, but I warn you, we’re only just getting started 😉
And in and amongst the tweeting, emailing, blogging and guest blogging, life goes on. We’ve done a bit of getting ready for Christmas. I did manage to post my secret santa present out, and I have mine already here waiting to go under the tree. I didn’t send any Christmas cards, but then again, I can’t remember the last year that I did, so that’s no real biggie. I’d probably better accept that I’m not the kind of person that sends real cards in real envelopes.
We’ve also done a bit of home educating. I wished I’d had the presence of mind to grab a video camera when the children were all sitting in the hall showing the baby the world map and singing the Montessori continent song 😀 So cute. Guess some bits of montessori did stick after all 😉 There’s lots of reading going on, and Small was over the moon earlier today to get an email from his new favourite author John Lenahan, who wrote Shadowmagic, one of the books I won via twitter.
Smallest-of-all is now a toddler, wobbling all around the place and being unutterably cute. She’s inventing her own signs, and eats anything and everything she can get her hands on, whether edible or not. And she’s almost definitely left handed.
And tomorrow is home ed group Christmas. So I’d better clear off and get ready for it.