On our library raid yesterday I spotted a book with a geodesic dome on the cover. I couldn’t resist, and added to the pile of 71 books we were bringing home with us.
It’s an interesting take. Turns out that Barrington Stoke, the publishers, are working very hard to design books for reluctant readers. This particular book is shot through with facts, although as many of them are totally accepting of global warming, a theory which does have its detractors, it’s difficult to say whether some of these are facts or propaganda. I don’t think that is the point of this book though – I think the facts are to draw in ppl who might find a story a bit pointless. And I was a bit disappointed to find that there might be a geodesic dome on the front, but it doesn’t feature in the story.
Still, it’s an interesting book, and an even more interesting publishing company. I shall be looking into them and their resources further.
Book 56 of 100. [Read more…] about Connor's Eco den #100Books