Crafts for children – playing with squidoo again.
I used to home educate my two children, and we did it without curriculum. For young children they can learn huge amounts from doing crafts that no so very long ago were a way of life.
Merry’s question earlier reminded me of my squidoo lenses, so I went and played some more. This one just needed a bit of updating, and every now and then, it sends me money (not very much and not very often, but hey something is better than nothing!). If you decide to sign up to make lenses (very easy and I suspect could be addictive if I had time amongst my other addictions) please do use my referral link as once you earn loads of money, I get a little too 🙂
For all those taking holiday trips and relying on google maps.
another week, another catch up blog post.
But not posted on Friday night as I was in a field. Well, for some of it, quite a lot of it was spent drinking wine in a nearby house.
The week before. No walking (no cat to feed). No library trip, got books to read before that happens. Did a bit of reading, started We don’t play with guns here: War, Weapon and Superhero Play in the Early Years (Debating Play) which is indeed interesting, not least in understanding the mindset of many ppl who’ve purposely gone to work with children. (I seem to have just arrived there, rather than chosen it specifically, if you see what I mean).
Finished my first assignment, which was immensely difficult only in that I was working on it immediately before the phone call about Katrin, and every time I picked it up I was right back to that night. In the end took it into school and worked in a completely different environment and got it knocked off in under an hour. Hoping I’ve done enough to get through it, really do not want to have to pick that one up again.
Took a couple of trips out, one to the park, and another to the National Media Museum. That’s one that really needs more time than we had, so we might go again some time soon.
Big and Small only came into school on Friday again, and that seemed to work pretty well for them. We are thinking that next term she’ll do four days and he’ll do three, which I think will be ample. He was fun this weekend, he seems to be investigating what you can do with numbers and operations – has figured out that addition is commutative, but subtraction (also known as minus or take away) isn’t.
Still looking for a third candidate for PIF, any more takers? If not, I’ll do it with two 🙂
And the weekend. Friday night, much wine, much talking, little sleeping. Slight amusement when it was discovered Tim had come without my bag – only real problem there was the complete lack of vision I have. He went home for it on Saturday, and while he was away the wind got up and I ended up dropping the tent, fearing that it wouldn’t survive otherwise. This meant we had to come home to sleep on Saturday evening, though we went back this morning (missing the beans by about half an hour I think 🙁 ) and spent the day again. Must must must remember to check Small’s assumptions at the door – he thought we were going back to camp today and was somewhat upset to discover we weren’t. He just wants to spend time in a tent – I think that’s his definition of summer, as it’s the way he’s holidayed every year since he was just under 1.
Tent is currently out on line, we need to go get it in now. Good night.
Oh, and go read Robin McKinley books. And tell your friends about her. She thinks there is no one over here who has heard of her, honestly!
a thought for a stranger
tomorrow one of my colleagues has the day of work to go to the funeral of a friend, who has died suddenly leaving behind a 4 year old and a 3 month old. No one knows who the father of the 3 month old is, and she will never know her mother now.
I can do nothing but think of her. It’s nowhere near enough.