I was really impressed with the response to my call for posts for a home education resources carnival. It’s important to point out that many of these posts and resources are just as useful for parents with their children in school – no exclusivity here 😉
So without further ado, Katie from the Outside the Box got us started with her resources round up part 1 Lots of recommended places to visit, as well as books, websites and enjoyable activities. And then she went on to share part two!
Cathy from nurturestore shared her Back to School 101 tips – just as applicable at any time of year from what I can see, and whether you have your children at home or in school.
Stuart at Alternicity has put together a great list of free resources, lots of websites and software. Definitely a few there I haven’t seen before and I’ll be exploring at my leisure.
Great list of history resources from Katherine at Living and Learning. (No, I do not need new books. No, I don’t.)
Lisa from An Ordinary Life shared lots of posts. I particularly enjoyed the polymers and tessellations. Rest of the links are in my comment thread earlier, well worth having a good explore!
A spot of bean bag learning from Elaine at Littlesheep Learning. You can buy the beanbags from her, but the tutorials and ideas for using are all free.
And to finish up with a bang – a great bottle rocket tutorial from the new website, Sciencesparks. Definitely a site to bookmark for the future.
If I’ve missed anyone out, or you’re inspired to write a post by the great ones I’ve included here, please feel free to stick it in this lovely linky I’ve got for you.
Emma @ MummyMummyMum says
Thank you for the mention, we really appreciate it! x
Elaine (Littlesheep) says
Thanks for mentioning my blog – really appreciate it.