All over the place signs have gone up in shops advertising back to school sales. School children seem barely to have been set free before uniforms replace swimming costumes in window displays, each chain desperate to get its hands on parents’ hard earned cash.
With no uniform to buy, and no need to keep to school years, I know many home educators do run things a little differently in the summer nevertheless, and I know many ppl who enjoy orgo-planning and reading those educational catalogues and websites.
With that in mind, I thought I’d hold a carnival. Anyone up for sharing a post on your favourite home education resource? Can be bought or free, home made or virtual, whatever suits you. Just stick a link to your post about it in the comments below, or mail me via the contact form, and I’ll do a round up and post them all in two weeks time. Posts in by Friday 20th please, to give me time to wrap it all up together.
Oh, and if you’re not a home educator, please still feel free to share your favourite educational resource, never let it be said that this blog is exclusive 😉
Katie Pybus says
Yesterday I spent a few pounds on new books, projects and activities and booked some London trips for when the schools go back on the basis I have no uniforms to buy.
Katie Pybus says
Here is part one – I realise it is a bit London and the south east specific as that is where we live but there are books and TV and websites too.
cathy @ NurtureStore says
Hi Jax, here’s a post from me, with some resources I’ve found really useful – hope it fits with your carnival.
Stuart says
KNorman says
I’ve blogged a bit on the books we use for history.
ella says
If it’s not suitable, no worries 🙂
Katie Pybus says
Lisascrabblew says
Here are some good reading books to add. Hope it helps:
Also this Latin link
and I’m sure I can come up with some more soon.
Lisascrabblew says
Some French resources :
Some History resources:
Maths resources:
And one for science:
My computers chugging like it’s from the 90’s this morning so that’s the best I can do.
Elaine (Littlesheep) says
Here’s one… hope it’s useful!
Emma @ MummyMummyMum says
Thanks for the nudge!
I hope this is ok.
Mrs Green @ says
You’re a darling; I’ve been brewing this post for about 2 years (sounds painful huhn?!) but I’ve never got around to it. Thanks to you I’m just in the middle of putting it all together. Can’t wait to post up and visit all your friends blogs for sharing their ideas too. Thanks! x
Mrs Green @ says
Here;s mine!
“10 FREE home education resources”:
Thanks for organising the carnival !
Sam says
Heres our post: