So Big went away last night, dropped her off with a home ed friend, so that they could spend the day at UEA doing biology. By all accounts they had an absolutely fabulous time – she was full of it when I picked her up tonight. So that was excellent.
Small managed mostly fine without her, apart from one brief moment today when he bounced off into the bedroom and then came back looking solemn.
“I forgot she’s not here” he said.
Let’s have an awww….
The rest of the time though he amused himself on the computer. As usual. He’s spending vast amounts of time writing programs on Scratch though I don’t think he’s been uploading them. Must remind him about that bit. And he remembered Questionaut and has spent lots of time on there as well.
Which led to the surreal conversation last night, when he was able to tell me that 50 add 25 is three quarters of a 100, but not what the actual answer is.
Actually, if he can’t really do arithmetic, but is really hot on concepts, does that mean that he might be some kind of mathetmatical genius? (I can live in hope, can’t I?) As Tim said, if I ask nicely, maybe Small will explain probability to me. He certainly has a better grasp of it than I do!
Smallest has had a difficult couple of days. She is full of cold, and consequently her eating and sleeping arrangements have been all to pot. Tim and I particularly enjoyed the hour or so of bouncing happily on our heads at 2 am two nights ago. Or not.
She is oh so very close to walking. Has done a single step independently lots of times now. And last night she even used a spoon to eat some of her yogurt! With her left hand again. Aunty K is going to be thrilled that we’ve finally another leftie in the family!
And the lego? The extra goody bag arrived following our LegoHeroFactory outing. Small was absolutely beside himself to discover it contained Furno. Furno is apparently THE hero to have. So one ludicrously happy boy, especially when Big immediately said they would share them both.
Thank you, Lego Hero Factory. You are definitely my hero 🙂
HelenHaricot says
biology day sounds fab 🙂 aw to small, and smallest, if you are still awake, go to sleep!!
Kirsty says
I’ve heard lots about kids being good with the concepts of maths but not the arithmetic. I think it’s the remembering facts that’s what does them. I know my kids fall into that category – they understand it all, remembering? Nope. But of course, schools require you to do arithmetic all day long, not always real maths, so if you don’t get the arithmetic you find yourself thinking your rubbish at maths. etc etc, you know the drill 😉
Biology day sounds fun 😀
Jax says
@Kirsty, that’s a very valid point. Must try it on Big next time she’s in meltdown 😉