Been working pretty hard this weekend, though not quite as successfully as I’d like, and so we don’t seem to have done much that’s terribly exciting. The good news is that Big is getting much better at entertaining herself, has begun to turn the television off, or request the radio on (! I’ve got a rock chick daughter….I can’t begin to explain how proud this makes me 🙂 ), and every now and then gets stuck into doing something quite weighty.
So we had the alphabet thing, and she followed that up with some Studydog, although we are having some problems with that, it doesn’t seem to be properly registering which bits she’s done. Or maybe I just don’t understand it 😉
Last night over the course of her bath we had *lots* of conversations along the line of what time is it now, and I steadfastly resisted the urge to reply “30 seconds after the *last* time you asked” and we worked it out. This ended up involving quite a bit of 5 times table stuff – she only asks when the big hand is pointing at a number…I also resisted the urge to try to sneak in a lesson on fractions. See Joyce, it is beginning to sink in!
I’d really like it if she cracked telling the time, and then I’d like it even more if she actually used that knowledge – her storytime is 7.30 and I spend the 30 or so minutes she is in the bath pointing out how near we are getting to 7.30 and getting increasingly stressed about it. Tonight I didn’t bother – extremely liberating. Must try that more often.
Did get another square done though. Rather like this one, it’s an excellent pattern, called Velvet and Lace Even better, I didn’t need the extra fudging round…although I think it did take me about 1 1/2 hours to do, not quite so good.
Other downsides – I’ve had to postpone my java exam again. I just am not getting the studying done. I’ve decided to talk to Big about this though – it’s daft to be waiting to study at night, surely it will be good for her to see that I learn things too? Still not quite sure how I’m going to work this round though.
Sure there was something else I was going to blog….something to do with Small for a change. Nope, can’t think of it. He’s ever so funny at the moment, trying so hard to do the same things that Big does. So today he was strutting around in a pair of her high heel dress up shoes (good sense of balance, and major tantrum when I refused to let him climb up and down the concrete step in them!), then when she did some drawing with her Barbie Dress designer thing he had to do some too….beautiful carpet patterns he produced!
Oh well, I’m not going to remember it am I? I did take a trip to the Works this afternoon though, I remembered that 😉
Kirsty says
Hmm, I’ve signed up for an OU course starting in October and was thinking about trying to study for it in the evenings but after 9pm when they are still awake I do wonder if it will ever work like that. Let me know how studying with the kids goes :o)
Tim says
It is tough studying on a correspondence course. I don’t think I ever managed to set myself realistic targets, and got more and more put off as I slipped further and further behind my self imposed deadlines. I also have no patience, which doesn’t help.