In January 2011 we’re going to read 100 books to try to raise money to build a library with Oxfam Unwrapped. The whole family is taking part – dp will read books to and with the baby, while Small (7 yo boy), Big (11 in January) and me (none of your business!) will be reading independently and reviewing what we read, either here or on the kids’ soon to be live review site. If you’ve any suggested titles, please pop them on here or drop us a note through the contact form.
And if you happen to be an author, publisher or book publicist who would like to support the challenge by sending us something to read, please get in touch via the contact form 🙂 I’m very happy to do giveaways on things we’ve received after we’ve read them*, so we might be able to generate you some publicity that way too!
(*Please note, I won’t pry books out of the hands of either child to giveaway if they fall in love with them though!)
ETA – aargh, for some reason comment form isn’t showing up. For now, please comment over on holding post...